Dear Parents, Carers & Guardians, 

Welcome to the new school year.

We are looking to upgrade the functions of our schools Parent Portal making communication with your child’s school easy and efficient.

We will begin by including features that will enable you to;

  • View Student timetable 
  • Book parent interviews
  • Submit absence reasons and send notice of absence in advance
  • Student Monitoring & Academic Report, a PDF copy that can be reprinted at anytime

Moving forward more features will be added to the Portal throughout the year these will include;

  • Introduction of a Parent Portal APP
  • Receive information that is relevant to your child
  • Excursion and Sporting permission notices, paperless approval for excursion can be done through the APP
  • Payment for Excursions can be made right away with your credit card, record & track your bills

Today we will forward a link to the Parent portal via your preferred family email address, included in the email will be ‘Portal Registration’ for new users, ‘ Parent Portal Login ‘ for existing users and a copy of your Access Key.

We are positive that you will see the benefits of your registration immediately and be part of our journey in providing this facility to you. As we progress , we are confident that the Parent Portal will become more and more significant in your day to day communication with our school. Should you experience difficulties please do not hesitate to contact the school.

Warmest regards

Woonona High School

Woonona High School
Address: Nicholson Lane Woonona NSW 2517
Phone: 02 4283 1623

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